Instead of presenting a complete walkthrough here, we decided to give some general tips for the game and the three camps.
We think that tips are enough and a walkthrough could ruin the game experience. Nevertheless if you encounter a problem while playing or you get stuck at a certain point please visit our tips and tricks forum..
- How to join the sect camp
- Map with legend
1. How to join the sect camp
To join the sect camp you have to get four Baals to vote for you. The problem is, that you are not allowed to address a Baal. If you dont't know how to go on, here are the solutions for each Baal:
1. Baal Namib
Talk to Lester, who stands next to Baal Namib at the entrance and let him show you the camp. After you have arrived at your destination and are out of sight of the Baal, talk to Lester about how to convince the Baal to address you. After a short discussion Lester gives you the tip to talk to him, while Baal Namib is listening. Back at the entrance talk to Lester and say: I abjured the "old gods" to impress Baal Namib.
2. Baal Tondral
When you come to Baal Tondral, he should address you and give you the task to gain some new members for the sect camp.
To convince this Baal, you have to talk to Melvin, a defector from the old camp. You can easily recognize him, he is still wearing his old digger dress. Usually he is standing next to Baal Tondral. He tells you, why he joined this camp and that there is another one, called Dusty, who would like to do the same, but is not sure yet.
Now you have to go to Dusty in the old camp and convince him to accompany you to the sect camp. You can find Dusty at the market. To leave the old camp you have to pay 100 ore to the guard at the south gate. Now you must simply go back to Baal Tondral with Dusty and he will vote for you.
3. Baal Cadar & Baal Orun
To convince Baal Cadar you have to use a "Sleep Spell" on one of his students. You can get such a scroll from Baal Orun at the sect camp.
To get this scroll from him, you have to talk to Ghorim. He tells you that his relief should have arrived some time ago and asks you to talk to that guy. The relief for Ghorim is called Harlok. You can find him next to Fortuno underneath the laboratory of Cor Kalom. Unfortunately he is not very happy to hear that he should relieve Ghorim. You have to knock him unconscious when no one is watching, and he will obey.
As soon as the change between Ghorim and Harlok has been made, Baal Orun will talk to you and send you to get some herbs. To accomplish this task you have to get the swampweed from the swampweed-collectors who are in the swamp (on the map on the lefthand side from the camp.)
You can get the weed from one of the two groups. For one group you have to kill all close-by bloodflies. For this quest your hero should be quite strong to cope with all these flies. Besides you have to take care of the swampsharks, because they are very dangerous for beginners. When you have got enough weed, you have to go back to Cor Kalom to the laboratory and Baal Orun will give you the sleep-scroll. Now use this scroll on one of Baal Cadars students and he will vote for you.
4. Baal Tyon
To convince Baal Tyon, you have to help Baal Kagan with distributing "joints" in the new camp. When you have distributed all the joints, Baal Kagan offers you to help joining the sect camp as a reward. If you choose this option you will get a "superjoint". Back in the sect camp, you can give this superjoint to Baal Tyon. He will have a vision after witch he will consinder you worthy to become a member.
2. Map with legend
