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Character Values
L=Level, St=Strength, De=Dexterity, Ma=Mana, Hp=Hitpoints
W=Weapons, A=Arrows, D=Dragon Fire, M=Magic
A protection value of -1 means immunity
EP=Experience Point

List of all animals and monsters

Name Character Values Protection EP
L St De Ma Hp W A D M
Meatbug 1 1 1 - 20 - - - - 10
Sheep 1 5 5 - 5 - - - - 10
Young Giant Rat 2 5 5 - 20 - - - - 20
Young Wolf 3 5 5 - 20 - - - - 30
Young Blood Fly 3 5 5 - 20 - - - - 30
Young Field Raider 4 10 10 - 40 - - - - 40
Giant Rat 4 15 15 - 30 10 10 - - 40
Molerat 5 20 20 - 40 10 10 - - 50
Blood Fly 6 20 20 - 40 10 10 - - 60
Black Wolf 6 15 20 - 120 12 12 12 12 60
Wolf 6 20 20 - 40 10 10 - - 60
Scavenger 7 20 20 - 40 10 10 - - 70
Field Raider 8 30 30 - 60 20 20 - - 80
Lurker 10 40 40 - 80 20 20 - - 100
Minecrawler 12 40 40 - 80 30 60 - - 120
Lizard 12 40 40 - 80 20 20 - - 120
Warg 15 75 75 7 150 30 30 - - 150
Harpy 18 90 90 100 180 30 30 30 30 180
Snapper 18 60 60 - 120 30 30 - - 180
Snapper Pride Leader 18 60 60 - 160 30 30 - - 180
Dragon Snapper 20 100 100 - 200 40 40 - - 200
Minecrawler Warrior 20 100 100 - 200 60 120 - - 200
Shadowbeast 20 100 100 - 200 40 40 40 40 200
Fire Lizard 21 80 100 - 210 40 40 40 - 210
Swampshark 24 160 160 - 328 80 80 10 10 240
Troll 50 50 50 - 400 50 -1 50 50 500
Black Troll 100 100 100 - 1000 75 -1 100 100 1000

List of all goblins, orcs and other similar

Name Character Values Protection EP
L St De Ma Hp W A D M
Goblin 5 15 5 - 20 - - - - 50
Black Goblin 10 40 40 - 80 20 20 - - 100
Seeker 18 60 60 100 200 15 40 15 15 180
Orc Scout 25 60 60 - 200 60 60 - - 250
Orc Warrior 25 60 60 - 200 60 60 - - 250
Orc Shaman 30 60 60 100 200 30 30 30 30 300
Orc Elite 35 100 100 - 300 80 80 40 40 350
Orcish Warlord 35 100 100 - 300 80 80 40 40 350
Orcish Colonel 35 120 120 - 400 80 80 40 40 350
Lizard people 35 80 80 100 250 45 45 15 15 350

List of all undeads and magic creatures

Name Character Values Protection EP
L St De Ma Hp W A D M
Wisp 6 20 20 100 40 - - - - 60
Magic Golem 10 120 120 100 256 -1 -1 -1 -1 -
Low Skeleton 12 60 60 - 120 20 1000 - 20 120
Goblinskeleton 15 30 30 - 50 20 1000 20 20 150
Zombie 15 75 75 7 150 50 100 50 50 150
Stonegolem 18 120 120 100 256 45 1000 60 60 180
Skeleton 22 90 90 - 180 30 1000 30 30 220
Icegolem 24 100 100 100 200 70 1000 80 60 240
Skeletonmage 24 120 120 100 240 40 40 40 40 240
Firegolem 30 100 100 100 200 70 140 70 70 300
Shadowbeastskeleton 30 100 100 - 200 60 1000 60 60 300
Undead Orc 30 150 150 - 300 60 60 60 60 300
Shadow Warrior 40 100 100 - 250 100 1100 65 100 400
Demon 60 200 200 100 400 100 100 50 50 600
Demon Lord 100 240 240 100 472 100 100 50 50 1000
Swamp Dragon 350 120 100 1000 500 90 90 50 50 3500
Stone Dragon 400 130 100 1000 600 95 95 70 70 4000
Fire Dragon 450 140 100 1000 700 100 100 50 50 4500
Fire Dragon (Irdorath) 450 140 100 1000 700 100 100 50 50 4500
Ice Dragon 500 150 100 1000 800 105 105 70 70 5000
Undead Dragon 1000 170 170 1000 1000 150 150 150 150 10000

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